Lost In Adaptation: Gaming On the Big Screen

Why game-to-film adaptations have only now become genuine box office draws. Ever since filmmakers initially attempted to adapt video games to the medium of cinema by way of Super Mario Bros. in 1993, video game films have had a tragic history. Though there are, indeed, entries that are so atrocious they are actually rather enjoyableContinue reading “Lost In Adaptation: Gaming On the Big Screen”

My Cross-Generational Love Affair

They Don’t Make ’em Like They Used To As I cast my mind back to my earliest gaming memory, I can still recall the events contained in that memory with vivid clarity. I was but a small child of about four or five years of age, and a family friend bestowed me with the mostContinue reading “My Cross-Generational Love Affair”

Final Fantasy VII Remake Review

An Over-extended Journey Through Midgar It is with no additional exaggeration for the sake of a compelling statement that I declare the original Final Fantasy VII to be one of my favourite video games of all time. As it was released during the year of birth, and I spent my entire childhood unaware of whatContinue reading “Final Fantasy VII Remake Review”

How Japanese Games Shaped My Life

This Time… It’s Personal Those of you reading this article who know me personally, and know me well, will know that a great may of my all-time favourite video games have come from the land of the rising sun. This interest in Japanese games initially sparked when I decided to purchase a copy of theContinue reading “How Japanese Games Shaped My Life”

Resident Evil and Capcom’s Days of Future Past

Rumours, Remakes and Code Veronica 15 years ago, the gaming landscape was changed forever following the release of one the most influential horror games of all time: Resident Evil 4. Its cinematic storytelling, over-the-shoulder perspective, quick-time events and precision aiming are features that have since been included as standard in most modern releases. 15 yearsContinue reading “Resident Evil and Capcom’s Days of Future Past”

The Music of Final Fantasy VII (1997)

If Music Be The Fruit of Love… Read On The morning I heard that the demo for the long-awaited, and highly-anticipated, Final Fantasy VII Remake was available on the PlayStation Store, it would’ve been impossible to rise me from my bed any quicker. Down the stairs I bolted, like Lightning Materia, and switched my PS4’sContinue reading “The Music of Final Fantasy VII (1997)”

Resident Evil 3 (2020) Review

A Stellar Remake That Still Disappoints Forgive me father, for I have sinned. The Resident Evil franchise evaded my attention until 2015 where I took it upon myself to experience the original entry first hand. Initially, I was unimpressed with the game’s clunky controls, lacklustre visuals and overall poor production quality. After returning to itContinue reading “Resident Evil 3 (2020) Review”

Why You Should Not Dismiss Resident Evil 3 (1999)

A Survival Horror Classic Not To Be Overlooked A long, long time ago, in the distant past of 1996, a Japanese game development company by the name of Capcom struck solid gold with their unlikely hit: Resident Evil.Though its rather tumultuous development cycle should have spelt certain doom for the ambitious title, its level ofContinue reading “Why You Should Not Dismiss Resident Evil 3 (1999)”

Doom: Eternal Review

A Devilisihly Good Time On the eve of March 20th, I laid myself down to rest for the night. However, much like the Slayer who has served as Hell’s bane since 1993, I found no rest. My anticipation for the imminent release of Doom: Eternal was overwhelming. So, when the sun finally arose, and myContinue reading “Doom: Eternal Review”

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